Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Hacking Foods

You want to enjoy your food but don't know what to do? Do not worry, this is some tricks for your problem!

Muffin Tin

 The upside down muffin tin can be made ​​in place to make food into a bowl shape that is useful for add some topping in it. Or you can use muffin tin for serve condiments, simple but effective.  I’m sure you have a ton of different compartmentalized containers and cooking supplies that can be used.

Frozen Fruit 

 You can freeze some fruit to chill wine without watering it down, very effective when you are attending an event with family.

Dental Floss

 Use dental floss to make perfect cuts without mess, or pesky icing sticking to your knife and destroying your piece of cake.


 The fork is a very useful utensils to hold food, you can dunk Oreos in milk and save wet fingers

Or hold your hardshell taco with a fork, eliminating the problem of getting taco innards all over your hands during the process and looking totally fancy in the process.

Container Plate

Granted, the container is already a food distribution device somewhat akin to a bowl and perfectly shaped for chopsticks, but should you need a plate, this will work.  You can also close it back up after you’re done!

Pepper Grinder
You can ground Oreos for your ice cream topping or Doritos for your food topping without grinding to make it.

Avoid needless overlap and get full sandwich coverage without wasting space.

Use a single toaster slot for 2 pieces of bread for soft AND crunchy toast. This way, the bread get warm and toasty on the outside.

CD Spindle

Don't throw out that unused CD spindle, use it as bagel tote or donut container. The spindle part will keep that bagel from moving around and the cover will keep it from getting squashed.

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